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School Meals

Our school dinners are provided by Harrisons. You can find more information about our School Dinner provider on the link below:



School dinners are currently FREE to all pupils. It includes all children in EYFS, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2. 

Packed Lunches

Your child may choose to bring a packed lunch to school. Please ensure this in line with the School's Healthy Eating Guidelines, and No-Nut Policy.

Food Allergies or Intolerances

If your child has a food allergy or intolerance, parent/carers must complete a Food Allergy and Intolerance Management form (available to download below, or request a copy from the school office). If your child's medical condition or allergy details change since the time of completing your application, parent/ carers must notify the school.

School Menu

Find our School Dinner Menu below. Or you can click here to request a copy from the school office.

Manor Oak Primary School Food Allergy Form for Parents 2021

Spring 2 Menu

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